Research and Results

At the core of our endeavors is the development, research, and application of harmonious, peaceful, and holistic life models. Our approach focuses on intergenerational concepts that pursue the common good as a primary goal. Through continuous research and the acquisition of new insights, we aim to find sustainable solutions to the challenges of our time and translate these into practical applications.

Our work is based on a deep commitment to share and disseminate knowledge through educational and informational activities. The methods and insights developed through our research are systematically prepared to make them accessible to a wide audience. This enables others to benefit from our knowledge and apply it in their own life and work contexts.

Our research projects cover a broad spectrum of topics, all aimed at developing practical solutions for the most pressing questions of our society. From ecological sustainability to social justice and economic resilience – we are committed to making a positive contribution through our research.

The results of our research work are regularly presented in events, workshops, and seminars. These serve as a platform for exchanging and furthering the education of interested parties and like-minded individuals. Through these interactive formats, we promote dialogue and cooperation to explore innovative paths for a better future together.

Believing that knowledge is most effectively conveyed through shared experiences, we place great importance on the practical implementation of our research findings. We encourage all participants of our events to actively use the acquired knowledge in their communities, thereby contributing to the spread of our vision of a harmonious and holistic life.

Our statutes obligate us to continually explore the possibilities for application and implementation of our findings through informational and educational work. It is our goal to make a sustainable positive impact on society through our research and the resultant teaching activities, thereby developing and sharing methods for a better coexistence.

Current Research

Our current research project "The prostitute from object to subject - a change of perspective to human dignity" focuses on sex work and prostitution, aiming to understand the survival mechanisms and the phenomenon of trauma bonding among individuals engaged in prostitution. The scientific work concentrates on analyzing the psychological and social dynamics contributing to the maintenance of prostitution, as well as the effects of this activity on the psychological well-being of those involved.

A central theme of the research is how prostitutes develop survival strategies to cope with the challenges and trauma associated with their work. Literature suggests that prostitutes often resort to mechanisms such as dissociation and the creation of "work names" or alter egos to psychologically distance themselves from the traumatic experiences of their work. These strategies enable individuals to create a separation between their "work" identity and their true self, serving as a means to cope with the emotional and physical strains of prostitution.

Another research focus is on the concept of trauma bonding, which describes the deep emotional connection victims can develop with their abusers. This bond is often reinforced by repeated traumatization and can make it difficult for individuals to leave prostitution, even when they recognize the destructive aspects of their situation. This dynamic is particularly relevant in discussions about designing support and intervention for individuals in prostitution.

The challenges of leaving prostitution and the obstacles faced by prostitutes when attempting to receive support from law enforcement are also important aspects of the research. Studies show that prostitutes who become victims of violence often hesitate to seek police assistance, partly due to the illegality of their activities and fear of stigmatization and further victimization by law enforcement. This highlights the need for a more sensitive and informed approach to supporting prostitutes who become victims of violence and abuse.

Future projects intend to investigate the effectiveness of various intervention and support programs for prostitutes, with a particular focus on programs aimed at promoting exit from prostitution. Additionally, the role of education and public awareness in reducing the demand for prostitution and combating the stigmatization of individuals engaged in sex work will be explored. The goal is to develop evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice that not only improve the living conditions of prostitutes, but also contribute to reducing prostitution and promoting human dignity.

Future Research

Our planned future research project aims to redefine the boundaries of strategic foresight and fundamentally improve how we anticipate and respond to future challenges. The core idea of this initiative is the implementation and further development of the backcasting approach, which will allow us to establish a more precise connection between future visions and current decisions. This project will be undertaken as soon as we have secured the necessary financial resources.

Our approach differs from traditional future research methods by starting not from the present, but from a concretized vision of the future. We plan to design a specific future scenario – for example for the year 2050 – and then work backward to identify the necessary steps and key events that serve as milestones on the path to this future. By continually asking, "What must happen beforehand?" we offer a systematic method to align future-oriented strategies with current realities. This could lead to adjustments in the original vision to ensure consistency with the identified events and conditions.

The innovative element of our research project is to create a more flexible and systematic foundation for political and strategic decisions through backcasting. By focusing on the prerequisites for specific future scenarios, such as the initiation of peace talks, we intend to provide policymakers with powerful tools for sustainable and future-proof planning.

The realization of this ambitious research project is imminent, provided we can secure the necessary funding. Our goal is to make a significant contribution to future research and strengthen the ability of organizations and states to proactively and knowledgeably respond to tomorrow's challenges.


The Fibonacci Sequence and Human Development through Life Years

This project explores the connection between the Fibonacci sequence, a pattern found in many areas of nature, and the developmental stages of human life. The aim is to develop a better understanding of how this mathematical sequence can reflect the phases of human life from birth to old age. This research could offer new perspectives on human development and demonstrate how natural patterns influence our life paths.

The 21 Gates and the 21 Keys – The Path of Development

This project explores the concepts of numinous order and development by offering a universal method that supports individual and collective progress on a spiritual and emotional level. It is based on the idea that life progresses through 21 stages or "gates," where each gate is associated with a specific "key" that unlocks deeper understanding and growth. These metaphorical gates and keys offer insights into human existence and promote the development of consciousness and self-realization.

The conception of the 21 Gates of cosmic laws and their representation as a universal development process is based on a metaphysical or spiritual viewpoint, dealing with principles of divine order and personal growth. This conception falls outside traditional scientific methodology, as it addresses aspects not directly verifiable through empirical research or quantifiable data. Instead, it relies on philosophical considerations, spiritual experiences, and introspective insight, validated through subjective experiences and personal transformations.

However, there are interdisciplinary research approaches, such as transpersonal psychology or certain areas of consciousness research, that attempt to explore spiritual experiences, transformative processes, and the development of human potential through qualitative research methods. These approaches can include interviews, case studies, introspective reports, and comparative analyses of spiritual traditions to gain a deeper understanding of human experience in relation to spirituality and transformation.

To explore the principles of the 21 Gates of cosmic laws from a scientific perspective, researchers could apply qualitative research methods, such as:

  1. Case studies: Investigating individual or group experiences using the process of the 21 Gates to identify patterns and common themes in personal growth.
  2. Phenomenological research: Focusing on the subjective experiences of individuals going through the 21 Gates to understand the essence of this spiritual journey.
  3. Narrative analysis: Analyzing the narratives of individuals who claim to have gone through these gates to gain insights into the transformative impact of these experiences.
  4. Comparative studies: Comparing the concepts of the 21 Gates with similar spiritual or transformative processes in different cultures and traditions to identify universal patterns of human development.

It is important to emphasize that such research approaches aim to gain a deeper understanding of the subjective and transformative aspects of these processes, rather than "proving" them in a strictly empirical-scientific sense. The acceptance and validation of such spiritual concepts ultimately depends on the personal beliefs and experiences of individuals.

Research Project Zero

The Project Zero focuses on exploring and applying a specific concept referred to as "Zero". It aims to deepen the understanding of its effects on individual and collective levels. The research work involves collecting data and experiences on how "Zero" is applied in various contexts and its impact on the well-being and development of those involved. The link to the Zero page provides access to further information and resources.

What Does It Mean to Be an Adult?

Behavior at the Child Level

Behavior at the Adult Level
This project examines the differences in behavior and perspectives between childish and adult developmental stages. It explores how individuals transition from childish behavioral patterns to more mature, adult attitudes and actions. The goal is to develop a deeper understanding of the processes of emotional and psychological maturation and to identify ways to support and facilitate this transition.

Methods from Psychosocial Counseling

The Diamond Cut – the 57 cuts
This project deals with advanced methods of psychosocial counseling, specifically an approach known as "The Diamond Cut." By applying 57 specific techniques or "cuts," this method aims to help individuals unlock their inner potentials and lead a more fulfilled life. The research group investigates the effectiveness of these techniques and how they can be applied in various counseling contexts.

Modeling in the Varying Time-Space Continuum

Time is a flexible dimension. It can be absorbed, broken, reversed, stopped, transformed, and shifted under various angles, much like a beam of light. The time-space continuum is a multidimensional spatial entity in the universe, interacting across different layers of angular and spatial configurations with various physical-biological formulas, generating life and motion in matter through different time portals.

This entity possesses diverse embodiment states that can easily transition from one to another under certain circumstances and external influences. These states can form either a slowed wavelength of all processes in matter or be concentrated at a single point where everything rests as if there is no movement, no time. In both instances an illusion prevails, for everything flows, changes, and transforms; it is not static.

In both stagnation and rest there is evolution, but it is imaginary, invisible, and intangible, because the movement happens within the point, as microprocesses, imperceptible from the outside. This is the microworld, where there are plus and minus, directions that create whirls in the void, leading to the emergence and birth of energy that gives the point pulsation.

Pulsation is time and occupies space. Many points side by side, in various configurations, at different angles and curvatures, form the time-space continuum. The pulsations within it have differing strength, dynamics, wave, bend, and radiation, leading to transformations that create illusions. These illusions are reflected as mirror images in space, scattering along the wavelength of emitted energy and forming holograms, where the same is seen in different ways. Perceptions vary due to the different focal points of concentration of the radiated individual elements. It's like a kaleidoscope when one of the pieces of glass within it shines and pulsates brighter than all others, attracting attention first and absorbing the energy directed into this variant of the kaleidoscope.

This time-space continuum also exists in human life on Earth. For some, time passes slowly, and it seems as if nothing happens. Such individuals are in the microprocesses within the point and do not feel the movement due to poorly developed sensibilities. For another part of people, time is a stretchable variable dimension – at times flowing slowly, at times quickly, thus being asynchronous with their internal life clock in linear earthly life, i.e., they drift uncontrollably into various dynamic and passive processes, whatever comes, whatever happens, by the power of circumstances and events.

These are the angle fractures in the time-space continuum. Within its oval shapes, a small part of people understand how to model spaces themselves and manage time, synchronizing their internal biological life clock with that of the time-space continuum. Such individuals feel eternally young and look perpetually youthful. They know how to realize their goals successfully, how to travel through dimensions with ease without expending unnecessary energy, and how to draw knowledge from all possible areas of the multidimensional universal library. They manage to configure new insights, thereby contributing to the evolution of species closely linked to the evolution of humanity, the planet Earth, and the universe.

The time-space continuum is like clay - anything can be modeled within it, through it, and with its help, as long as one knows how to wield one's creative potential, develop sensibilities, and utilize the psychic energy of one's own light essence.

The Hermetic Principles

The research on the hermetic principles delves into the seven fundamental laws of nature that govern the universe. Through the study of these principles and their application in the modern world, especially through the translation and interpretation of ancient texts by scholars like Rumen Kolev, the project seeks ways to utilize this ancient wisdom for contemporary applications. The eighth hermetic principle, which might serve as a synthesis or expansion of the previous ones, could act as a metaphorical "balance," symbolizing equilibrium and harmony in applying these principles.
Each of these projects contributes in its own way to fulfilling our mission:
to promote the development and application of concepts for a harmonious and holistic life. By combining traditional wisdom with modern research, we strive to find practical solutions for the challenges of our time and make them accessible for the well-being of all.